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- 20061016 v 0.8.2tk
- A one liner change by Jean Ghali to line #734 to add the extra parameter missing.
- 20051124 v0.8tk final:
- Cleaned up the checkbox labels and layout.
- 20051121 v0.8tk preview 3:
- Calls the new Scribus zoomDocument() function to make the completed font
- sample document fit in Scribus window.
- Grey out "Start page number count from first page" when "Print TOC" is
- not checked as without a table of contents the first page would always
- start on the same page number making this option irrelevant.
- 20051120 v0.8tk preview 2:
- Replaced the newDoc() with newDocument(). Have not put any fallback code
- for use with earlier Scribus versions.
- When using double sided option we now make use of Scribus ability to display
- pages side by side as default. You may need to zoom out to view the
- complete document width. This is because currently there is no way of setting
- "Fit To Page" from the Scripter.
- 20050902 v0.8tk preview 1:
- Rearanged the initialisation. If no fonts are found for the Table of
- Contents, page numbers and font sample labels, the script shows a
- message box listing the problem and a possible solution as well as a message
- to the console.
- A Scribus messagebox alerts the user if Tkinter is not found. Previously
- this message was only printed to the console.
- Now able to do a dummy run to calculate and report the amount of samples
- that will fit on a page. This enables the script to correctly calculate
- how many sheets will be required. Previously it was always assumed that
- there would be 3 sample blocks on a sheet. This is now not always the case.
- Added menu. Also added "about" and "settings" dialogs.
- Sample rows can be selected or unselected to save on paper. The settings are
- automatically saved when changed and can be set as user defaults.
- User can choose to have page numbers count from first page of the toc instead
- of the first page of samples. This can be helpful if wanting to quickly look
- up a font in the toc and then using the Scribus page navigator dialog to go to
- the actual page on the screen to view it without printing it out.
- Added initial support for a sample paragraph. The sample paragraph defaults
- to "off" due to the amount of space it uses on the page.
- Some widgets read their defaults from a config dictionary.
- Many code cleanups. Classes used for settings storage have been replaced with
- dictionaries to make it easier for users to customise.
- ###################################################
- 20050930 v0.7.5tk
- Fixed bug in table of contents. TOC rows value was not being honoured.
- Would create an unrequired blank headed toc page when the TOC rows count setting
- matched the amount of samples selected.
- 20050814 v0.7.4tk
- Now updates the Scribus Progress Bar (one increment for each font drawn).
- 20050813 v0.7.3tk
- Fix typo in exception code.
- Modified case of some script variables to make compatible with changes
- in Scribus 1.3 scriptor.
- Removed the reduntant "self.master.maxsize(1, 1)" from the application class.
- 20050104 v0.7.2tk
- More cleanups in font preview code. If a font cannot be displayed
- then the preview panel is cleared. Removed many error messages returned
- to the console.
- 20050103 v0.7.1tk
- Removed discontinued email address
- 20041230 v0.7tk
- Added a preview panel so user can see a sample of what a font may look like
- before selecting it to use.
- Detects failure of Python Imaging Library module to load and tests for the ability to
- write to .scribus folder then disables preview if necessary.
- Incorporated Craig Ringers boilerplate and Scribus function case changes.
- Put labels on the left and right listboxes describing what they do.
- Listboxes now get focus when selected with the mouse. This allows Up Down
- keys to be used to scroll through font names.
- When selecting a single item in a listbox, the font highlighted will be
- displayed in a panel.
- Some function names have changed and some docstrings added.
- The main window should no longer be expandable.
- 20040224 v0.6.1
- A bug fix was introduced to Scribus CVS on 20040223 that affected the text
- frames. This version has an adjusted height and position of some text frames
- to make the samples correctly fit inside them again.
- 20040212 v0.6 final
- Fixed bug that stopped multiple selection move from working properly.
- More code cleanups.
- Adjusted the button positions.
- Added logic to gray out "item up" and "item down" buttons when not appropriate.
- Enhanced the "move left" and "move right" button gray out code.
- Fixed a problem when double clicking on a multiple selection of rows.
- Small adjustments and fixes to the layouts.
- 20030130 v0.6 preview 5
- Now contains a list of acceptable proportional and fixed width fonts that are needed for
- the TOC and font sample labels. If a match is not found with the installed font list available to Scribus
- then an error message is dumped to the console with a list of the required fonts for the user to get. The
- script will continue to run with whatever font happens be be set as default in Scribus.
- Fixed broken horizontal line drawing code.
- Various size adjustments to text frames that were drawing outside of margin area.
- 20030129 v0.6 preview 4
- Rewritten useSelection function. Now measures the available space left on page before placing the
- sample block. It is now possible to select the sample lines to print by commenting out rows in
- the drawSampleBlock() function and if there is space then more samples will be placed on the page.
- Renamed some functions.
- Made some small adjustments to the text frame dimensions.
- 20040126 v0.6 preview 3
- Added double sided paper handling.
- Added binding offsets.
- Left hand pane allows multiple selection again. Shift and mouse drag will select a block,
- hold Control plus click to highlight single items. Press '>' button to move the seelcted group to the
- right hand pane.
- More code cleanups.
- removed pound sign from sample string. It was causing errors with Python V2.3 thanks MrB
- Changed default sans font to "Nimbus Sans L Regular" instead of "Arial"
- 20040123 v0.6 preview 2
- fixed the extra page bug introduced in v0.6 preview 1
- Changed the 36 point font to 32 point. this improves the layout of the samples.
- 20040120 v0.6 preview 1
- Start adding optional page numbers.
- Start adding optional table of contents.
- Improve paper size variables format.
- More code cleanups.
- If a second (or more) font list was created with the script then it would be impossible to
- view anything other than the most recent document in Scribus - fixed
- 20040121 v0.5a
- Small change to fix non display of earlier font sample documents still open in Scribus
- if the script is run again.
- 20040112 v0.5
- Added SetRedraw to speed up page generation.
- Added status bar to display the quantity of fonts available, how many are selected
- and how many pages will be needed.
- Added a paper size selector.
- 20040107 v0.4
- More cleanups in the main page generator loop
- Added 6 point sample
- Left list box now sorts correctly when moving individual items back to it
- More adjustments to text layouts
- 20040106 v0.3a
- fixed page creep bug
- 20040106 v0.3
- Put each text string into its own text frame and put in separator lines
- Prints the font size as part of the test string
- Can crudely set A4 or US Letter size paper by uncommenting the appropriate
- 2 lines in useselection()
- changing this just adjusts the position of the samples on the page for the change
- in paper length.
- Some code clean ups.
- 20040105 v0.2
- Rearranged the buttons. Put in Franz's fix. Thanks Franz.
- Put in some more sample lines including the standard alphabet characters.
- 20040105 v0.1a
- Added a double click to select font in font selector.
- Fixes to some button logic. Gray out as required.
- 20040104 v0.1
- First release